Friday, March 20, 2009

Creation to Creation

From dark deep void and earth without mould
'Tis birth of beginning - creation unfold:
The Master, the man - the place, the plan;
And then the fiend - that serpent of old!

From tree to fruit and all things possible,
Master gave man - his will, fill, tranquil;
But the Liar, the doubt; the fruit - God forebode;
And then the curse - man cast out to till!

From nations and races, raising his hood -
The Serpent still kills on this earth's sod,
Those whose eyes buys lies - "Surely you won't die"
And then the fall - "You will be like God!"

From age to age God's plan is sure,
Great "I AM", the virgin birth, Lamb so pure;
'The cross, the Son - the battle He won!
And then the gift - to all who will near.

From dust to dust, and a life of pain -
The man would wallow, follow his own gain,
Till the Saviour meet - man at His feet!
And then the joy - man is born again!

From vanquished to victor, man would trait
The Word his light, the faith his fight;
When death does have it's sway someway
There is sure hope - it is just the night!

From ashes is beauty, from death vict'ry
Mortal man must put on - immortality!
And when we would rise from sleep and see,
There is Jesus - all eternity!

- David Nesaraj

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