Monday, February 15, 2016

Righteousness Reasoning (Part-1)

There were these two guys - Munna and Sam. Sam knew Munna to be a simpleton, and imagine his astonishment when he found Munna in the police station. Sam went and enquired what had happened, to which Munna replied defensively, "See, I have done two good things, but they have brought me here saying I have to be punished."
"What!" - Sam replied. "Surely there must be some mistake. What did you do, Munna?"
Munna replied, "See, there was this man bleeding from his head by the side of the road, with no one to care. And it was I who took him to the hospital, in an auto-rickshaw"
"And there was this huge stone right in the middle of the road, hindering traffic. I took it with both my hands, and threw it to the side. For these things, I have been brought here."
Sam pacified Munna and went to talk to the police officer-in-charge. "Sir, I know him to be simple. He says he did only good, how can you bring him here?" started Sam.
With an impudent face, the officer replied, "Ha! Did nothing at all would be okay. Didn't you ask him how the person got hurt and found bleeding? The rock that he threw hit the poor fellow on the head"

What an interesting story! Everyone is bound to their own perceptions and reasoning, until the law (police officer) takes charge based only on the result of what happened, no matter how good your intentions.

The kingdom principle works exactly 180 degree opposite; the Spirit searches the intents and motives of the heart. Have you ever wondered WHY you do what you do? You maybe a Sunday-school teacher, an elder, a song-leader, or part of the choir group or even the one who preach occasionally. WHY DO YOU DO WHAT YOU DO?

As a simple example, if you are an evangelist telling the good news of Jesus Christ, have you ever wondered why you do what you do? I know many would answer - "to plunder hell and to populate heaven" or "I can't see souls perishing in darkness and want them saved" or "The great commission gives us explicit directions to go and preach" or some such things.

I agree all these are valid statements. But it came as a revelation as I read through the verses popularly called as "The Great Commission" found in Matt. 28:19-20. I began to wonder why people leave out verse18.

Jesus explicitly spells out the reason for our mission- "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore..."

The "Why?" for our mission must be primarily focussed on this: ALL AUTORITY HAS BEEN GIVEN TO JESUS in heaven and on earth. That is WHY WE GO where we GO; That is WHY WE DO what we do. Go ahead now - evangelise.

Be blessed in Jesus.

See! Made Without Hands!

It is in my heart to share about 2 things today. One is that this extended lockdown is getting on the nerves of many who have lost jobs, ma...